Rural health work experience a treat for Ryly

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Ryly Zoellner, a Year 10 Downlands College student, completed work experience in allied health at Roma Hospital.

Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life – Confucius

If what the great philosopher says is true, work experience is the perfect platform to find out what you’re passionate about and the first steps into a fulfilling future.

Year 10 Downlands College (Toowoomba) student Ryly Zoellner is a Roma local and has settled into life at boarding school with ease since the start of this year.

When exploring her future career options, Ryly initially felt her passion for helping others could be channelled into a career in Physiotherapy. When the opportunity to experience the Allied Health sector firsthand in her own community was presented, Ryly was quick to pack her bags!

Ryly spent a week enjoying a taste of a future carer in Allied Health under the guidance of Occupational Therapist, Meg Jakins at the Roma Hospital.

Ryly said while it’s great to be in her hometown, the advantage of doing a rural health experience for a student is that it really breaks down the intricacies of the health care system.

“There is something special about a small community. Everyone is so friendly and welcoming. I have been lucky enough to shadow Meg and Abby and been exposed to the varied workload of an Occupational Therapist,” she said.

“Spending quality time with patients and seeing the ways Occupational Therapists support patients to live better lives has definitely encouraged me to consider a future career in Occupational Therapy.”

Meg said work experience opportunities gave people exposure to the healthcare system and provided real insight into potential future career paths.

“It’s great to be able to showcase what we do to school students and the vast opportunities that exist in the bush.” Meg said.

“It is also extra special when the students are originally from the local community, and they are eager to come back and work in their home town.”